Tuesday 1 June 2021

Tuesday 1st June 2021

Slept OK. Nice sunny summer's day in the offing. Couldn't raise the enthusiasm to drive to Sutton, so pootled about on the laptop for awhile...will drive down tomorrow. Decided to go out for lunch, so walked to Upper Street and had baked eggs and halloumi fries at Megan's. Lovely girls serving us, but utterly incompetent! Our drinks never arrived, so we made do with the carafe of tap water, then the fries arrived minus the eggs, so they had to take the fries back to keep warm while we waited for the baked eggs! The waitress took the mandatory tip off the bill. Lovely day to sit out waiting for your lunch, though. Popped into Waterstone's, and Aki bought a face mask from Reiss, and we walked back home via Budgens. Got home and had a brioche ice cream sandwich, then watched some tennis before I cooked up an aubergine and tomato curry for dinner. Watched some more tennis before bath and bed.

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