Thursday 6 May 2021

Thursday 6th May 2021

Aki up early to check in with her mum's dentist in Tokyo. Drove Aki up to Lyndhurst Gardens...the refurb is all but completed, and she wanted to make snagging notes...I wanted to sus out where I might leave the car should I end up with two vehicles on Saturday. House looks dreadful...dark grey PVC windows make for a drab frontage. Inside, it's all cold floor tiling, and dark hued cupboarding. Didn't like what I saw. Had a major nerve attack in my left arm...worst one yet. Thought I was going to die in Mr Kurata's new living-room! Drove home for a late brunch. Drove to Waitrose to do a shop this afternoon. Cooked a Spanish influenced chicken and chorizo bake, cooked in red wine. Very tasty. Book Club meet this evening. Great to see everyone. The Devil in the Marshalsea seemed to go down well with the girls amongst us, much to my surprise. Gareth loathed it...I wasn't far behind him! "A Horse Walks in to a Bar" was chosen as the next read.

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