Tuesday 18 May 2021

Monday 17th May 2021

A series of spasms had me leaping out of bed at 0345 and doing a bit of yowling in the front room. Took a diazepam in the hope that it would encourage me to nod off. Spasms not as regular or sustained as yesterday's, but the big ones are very painful, like being hit in the lower arm by a high velocity bullet! Managed half a day in front of the computer, interrupted by the occassional yelp. Aki cooked a salmon teriyaki for dinner. Rang ma and pa as Kath had texted me that dad had stuck diesel in the petrol guzzling VW Up...sounds as if the AA man managed to get the tank cleaned out OK. I sat on the loo for three-quarters-of-an-hour...it now transpires I have constipation, which Aki thinks was brought on by the diazepam. I was very upset to have missed Fawlty Towers! Took some macrogol compound, but it didn't shift anything. Watched a bit of telly then bath, and bed. 

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