Saturday 8 May 2021

Saturday 8th May 2021


Up in reasonably good time, and cooked a breakfast of pancakes topped with smoked salmon and creme fraiche with lemon and parsley. Set off for Aylesbury to give the Golf SV a test drive. It feels surprisingly light behind the wheel, given that it's a bigger car than my Golf. We drove down the A41 and turned round at the Tring turn off. Sat nav works OK...nice big picture. Very happy with it. The garage seems prepared to take Kath's Golf off us as trade in, which solves all the parking problems! We celebrated with a very late lunch at the Lazy Pig in Chesham, sharing a pizza, then drove home for dinner! First meal out in over a year!!! Had to sit in the covered conservatory area, but they had all the windows open to keep air circulating...bleedin' freezin'! Home for a late dinner...warmed up the leftover ossabucco (sic) then watched "I'm Your Woman", an enjoyable thriller made for Amazon.

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