Monday 10 May 2021

Monday 10th May 2021

Dad emailed this morning stating his worries about Kath driving down the M1...he questions, perfectly sensibly I thought, whether it's all worth the hassle, given that the swap for Kath is one Golf with 100000 on the clock for another. I put this to Kath, so she could have a re-think. Wandered up to the Andover Medical Centre for an appointment with Dr Scozzi...she reckons the pains up my arms are related to my damaged vertebrae, and recommended a fresh scan to see if things have gotten worse. Spent most of the afternoon trying to fix the malfunctioning pop up waste on the bath, which meant several fruitless trips to the DIY shop on Hornsey Road. Eventually put in an order for a replacement spring and piston via Amazon...fingers crossed. In the meantime, we'll have to use an old fashioned plug! Chicken and chorizo warmed up for dinner, with some tumbet on the side. Watched a bit of telly...classic Fawlty Towers, followed by Motherland (not as good as season 1), and a rather poor Inside No.9 (up itself). My reconnected bath overflow isn't doing the job...detected some dripping...even worse when I let the water out of the bath, as it must to some extent back up the lower end of the overflow pipe on it's way out down the u-bend. Will it never end!?

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