Saturday 15 May 2021

Saturday 15th May 2021


Woke around 0245 in agony...excruciating spasms of pain shooting up my left arm. Hoped it would pass but 20 minutes later I was still screaming the house down...Aki popped me a couple of ibuprofen and bundled me into the car. Drove up to the Whittington and checked myself in...was still having the odd convulsion, but by the time they ushered me into a cubicle in the Urgent Treatment Centre the pain had subsided...had been sustained for 40 minutes or so though! Long wait for a consultant. Was initially lead through to a UTC cubicle and given some painkillers...about 3 hours later I was nodding off on the gurney when I thought I heard my name being called, but assumed I must be mistaken, as they knew where I was, presumably. I think the consultant must have been shouting my name into the waiting room area, about 25m away...still no-one came. Eventually I got up and asked at the nurse's station how long I might be expected to wait...the Dr checked his computer, and my name wasn't on it...he sent me back to reception, who had recorded that I had discharged myself. So the whole process had to be begun again! This time I had to wait in the waiting room, which slowly began to fill up. I had another 30 minute attack, not quite as bad, but it had me yelling out randomly in pain, disturbing the other inmates! The guy sitting opposite caught my eye and came over to recommend his chiropractor, one Terry Chimes, the former Clash drummer! Apparently he'd had back problems sitting at the kit on endless tours, so hung up his toms and retrained as a chiropractor! Eventually got seen by Dr Max who prescribed me some Diazapam, and codeine tablets, though quite what good they'll do in extremis I don't know. I await an MRI scan appointment. Aki picked me up and we went home for coffee and chocolate babka for breakfast. Tried to get some sleep, but the thought of another painful attack prevented me from nodding off. Rang Kath this afternoon and told her I wouldn't be able to get the car up to her tomorrow after all...decided to throw in the towel, and will trade in my car on Wednesday instead. Watched the FA Cup Final. An emotional win for The Foxes...very pleased to see Oligarch Athletic go down 1-0. 

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