Thursday 20 May 2021

Thursday 20th May 2021


Woke at 0530 with pains shooting up my left arm...leapt about in the living-room for ten minutes before going back to bed. Aki needed the car this morning to go to site, so dropped me off at the Health Centre in Crouch End...I had an appointment with the urologist who carried out an ultrasound on my left kidney...all clear. Walked into Crouch End and treated myself to scrambled eggs and truffle oil at Allora Hall...very tasty. Walked back home via the old railway line. Aki came back with the car...I stuck a copy of the email from Islington Council on the dashboard in the hope that this would deter the meter maid giving us a parking ticket. Then had to apply for a new parking permit via the Council website, but don't know when we'll get confirmation. We walked to Islington Town Hall for an interview with the Registrar, and Gave Notice of our intention to agree to a civil partnership...later we set the date of July 6th for the 'ceremony' at the Town Hall. Walked back home via the jeweller's on Upper Street. Managed a couple of hours work before dinner...Aki pan fried a couple of duck breasts. Watched a bit of telly.

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