Thursday 27 May 2021

Thursday 27th ay 2021

Managed to get a decent night's sleep. No work to do today. Aki cycled off to the bakery, and then popped into Waitrose for some odds and ends. I made us some lunch with the focaccia Aki brought home...nice and oily! And I made some no churn chocolate ice cream, which then went into the freezer. Aki drove us to the Health Centre in Crouch End this afternoon, where we received our second jabs. Came home and cooked up an aubergine and prawn curry with a red lentil dahl on the side. Had one two second spasm today, but it was so violent I dropped what I was holding and leapt 6 inches in the air, almost giving Aki a heart attack in the process!!! Watched a bit of telly. Interesting programme on the blood soaked origins of the partition of Ireland. Bath and bed...

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