Monday 3 May 2021

Monday 3rd May 2021


Read in bed for a bit before rising for a bowl of porridge. Went for a walk after lunch, climbing Hornsey Rise, then dropping down onto the old railway line at Crouch Hill station, where I snapped Aki from the road bridge above.  Popped into Tesco Express on the way home for some milk. FaceTimed Kath, as she was still in the umm-ing and ahh-ing stage over the VW Golf, and wanted to talk it through with dad. She texted back later saying she wanted to take it off me, and I agreed a lower price as I've added a few thousand miles to the odometer since first mooting the idea. Had an M&S lamb tagine for dinner, with some couscous which I spiced up with carrot, tomato, fried onion, garlic, and cheddar cheese. Watched new Aubrey Plaza movie, "Black Bear", a rather strange movie within a movie, but it was gripping and intriguing in equal measure...great performances all round.

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