Wednesday 5 May 2021

Wednesday 5th May 2021

Aki got a good night's sleep, and was up and about by 0800. No work for me to do, so enjoyed  listening to R4, before setting about chasing down the Islington Parking team, and my car insurers, to find out how I swap my details over to a new vehicle, should I buy the Golf SV at the weekend. Aki cycled down to Angel, and popped in on the butcher. Things got complicated on the motor vehicle front when I rang the transpires that you can only have one parking permit per person! So I can't get a permit to cover the period when I will temporarily own two cars! May have to park the old car in a side street in a town outside the M25!!! Attempted to drive up to North Finchley with Aki, so she could inspect the snagging on the Lyndhurst Avenue job, and I could sus out the possibility of leaving the car there, as there are no parking restrictions. But the traffic was so appalling, we gave up halfway up Highgate Hill, and turned round. Trout for dinner, followed by a bit of telly.

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