Sunday 23 May 2021

Sunday 23rd May 2021

Slow start. Aki up early to go rowing. I did an hour or so's work on the computer...had a 60 second spasm of excruciating agony in my left arm. Screamed the place down, and swallowed a diazepam. Made an apple and pear crumble, then some flat breads to have with lunch when Aki got home. Nipped out between showers this afternoon to get some odds and ends from TescoExpress for tonight's aubergine and tomato curry. The diazepam made me very sleepy this afternoon, and I nodded off for a bit on the sofa. Enjoying the Book Club read...getting hypnotically gripping...nearly half way through. Watched a bit of telly after dinner, then took in the Itchy Teeth boys livestream from the Tom Thumb Theatre in Margate...not great sound, and the songs simply aren't as good as their early stuff...over-complicate things with Beatlesesque key changes, but don't quite have the melodic prowess to take it anywhere special. 

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