Tuesday 18 May 2021

Tuesday 18th May 2021

Rose at 0600 for a dawn evacuation...a blessed relief! Aki had to make a site visit in the morning, so drove off in the Golf. I managed 3 hours in front of the computer, and rang the surgery to order some more Macrogol, just in case. The arthritis in my left foot is giving me a lot of gip today...don't know what brought that on...have been housebound since Saturday lunchtime! Did a little more work after lunch, but felt very weary and threw in the towel. Swineherd's pie for dinner. Nowt much on the telly...gave Eurovision a go, but couldn't stand it. Got an audition for a wee post pandemic themed project at The Tower Theatre lined up for Saturday...hope my neck problem has subsided by then, otherwise it'll look like I'm auditioning for the Peter Sellers role in Dr. Strangelove! It got steadily worse, though, as the evening progressed...

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