Sunday 7 August 2022

Saturday 6th August 2022

Woke around 0830. Left Aki snoring, and did some work at the computer, mug of tea in hand. Aki got up and cooked breakfast. Lovely day, so decided to walk up to the farmer's market at Yerbury school and buy some bread, then walked westward, ending up in Tufnell Park. Had our coffees in a shaded spot in the back yard of the Tufnell Park Tavern. Aki then headed off to Morrisons, and I walked home. Bumped into Dave from No.17...asked him how the new build was looking behind his house...he took me through to show me five terraced 3-storey units going up, at present just the steel frames. It's about 2m from their back garden wall, and their windows will look straight into Dave and Lou's back garden! Came home and put the washing on the line before Aki got back. I did a little more work, and we had a bite to eat...a slice of the fresh loaf, and some Fili cheese we'd bought on our sojourn in west Wales a couple of months back. Lounged about for most of the afternoon...when we went out front to look at the ever expanding wisteria, Lou and Dave walked past, and invited Aki in to take a look at the development abutting their rear boundary. As an invitation to partake of a cold beer was proffered, I followed. Spent a pleasant half hour in their little courtyard chatting about their road trip around Japan in a hired camper van. Came home a warmed up the lasagna for dinner, and watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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