Monday 8 August 2022

Sunday 7th August 2022

Woke around 0830. Aki got up, as she wanted to go rowing, but I languished in bed for a bit, and read some "451". Got up and made porridge. Aki cycled off to Springfield Park. I did a bit of work at the computer, still trying to catch up with last week's work. Aki rang to say she'd stop in the park and have lunch with the rowers at the cafe, so I made my self a little salad with parma ham and avocado toast. Wanted to do a bit of DIY and put the hat rack up in the lobby, but I'd run out of plasterboard rawl plugs. Walked round to the little B&Q mini store in Holloway Road, but they didn't have any, and the DIY shop in Hornsey Road had shut, so I bought some ice cream in Tesco instead! Aki baked trout for dinner. Watched a bit of telly before bath and bed...

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