Monday 15 August 2022

Saturday 13th August 2022

Woke around 0800. Aki up and watering the plants...I dozed until 0900-ish, then got up and cooked breakfast. Headed for a neighbourly meet up at The Green Room cafe...bumped into Carlos and Jane outside No.36, so walked with them from there. Katherine and George from No.127 were already there and waiting. We sat out the back and caught up with Katherine and George's recent three month honeymoon in northern Italy...sounded idyllic! We told them we were off to Umbria tomorrow...North-umbria. While we were sitting there, a chap came along to water the various plants in the cafe garden...he had introduced himself to Jane and Carlos a few weeks ago, and they were going to hire him to come and sort out there back garden...we asked if he might be willing to come and give us some advice on where to prune the wisteria, and he said he would. Nice bloke...had just become a dad, and showed us some photos of his new born. Walked back to No.127, via the North Library, to take a look at cracking to the rear extension at Katherine and George's looks as though the clay has shrunk in the heat, and caused some cracking both horizontally, and vertically...they have an insurance man coming, so hopefully he can give them the proper advice. Walked back down the street in could feel it bouncing off the pavement. Had spoom for lunch, with pancakes and chocolate brownie! Things sounding a bit rowdy on Seven Sisters Road, as Gooners began to congregate ahead of their first home game of the season against Leicester City...wouldn't fancy playing in this heat...or standing in a stadium watching, for that matter!!!

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