Sunday 21 August 2022

Saturday 20th August 2022

Woke around 0800. Had breakfast downstairs with ma and pa. Rather grey day, threatening rain, so decided to give the Newburn Regatta a miss. I made some coconut rice pudding, intending to take it to Kath's for dinner tonight, before remembering that Kath was planning a rice based main course! I put lunch together, using mum's grilled sausages, with salad, a slice of Kath's spinach pie, and what remains of the tortilla. Aki and I drove down to the village this afternoon to pick up some breakfast cereals, as they are running low. Had a wander round the new Leisure Centre and a look at the pool, then ambled around the village looking for the butcher's. Stopped outside the old Maynard's sweet shop where a young man was cleaning the windows...he turned out to be joint owner of what is now the "Eleven" restaurant....they only do set tasting menus, but look worth a try at some future juncture. Found a butcher on Merton Way parade, but he was fact, I wasn't altogether sure he hadn't ceased trading. Watched some of the competition at the European Championships...enjoyed the synchronised diving. Dad drove us over to Kath's for pouring rain. The back road to Westerhope was becoming a bit of a lake. Kath cooked us a tasty paella. Avoided the back road on the way home to High View, taking the dual carriageway instead, though the rain had stopped. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed.

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