Friday 12 August 2022

Thursday 11th August 2022

Woke around 0730. Got up and made a mug of tea, then showered, before ambling across to the pub next door for breakfast. A lot of families in there...I presume they are about to jump on a train from Ashford International and head off for a continental holiday...either that, or they are having a family holiday in Ashford, Gawd help 'em! Checked out and headed for Stelling Minnis, then on to Faversham, before turning for home. Arranged to meet Aki in Waitrose to buy some odds and ends. Bought some dressed crab for lunch. Sat in front of the computer for the remainder of the afternoon. Broke at 1800 to catch the News. Aki made teriyaki salmon for dinner, which we had with miso soup, and sticky rice. Wandered up to Gareth's at No.120 for this evening's Book Club meet in his back garden. Everyone seemed to have gotten something out of "Farenheit 451"...though Gareth thought it sub-Orwellian. Ishiguro's "A Pale View of Hills" chosen for the next read...which I had read last year. But worth a second go...I reckon it's his masterpiece! 

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