Wednesday 10 August 2022

Tuesday 9th August 2022

Alarm at 0730. Languished in bed, dozing, and then doing a bit of reading, before getting up to make porridge. I resolved to do a bit more work on the shower step, and finally got round to sticking the top tile on. Once it has dried out properly, I can grout and apply mastic...should be ready by Christmas! Aki cycled off to Highbury Pool for a swim. I popped out to The Green room for a coffee. Got home and put the hat rack up in the lobby...on a roll today! Aki got back and made cold sesame noodles for lunch. Sat in front of the computer for the rest of the afternoon, doing some work. Broke at 1800 to watch the News...doom laden energy price forecasts getting increasingly doom laden!!! Aki warmed up the chicken tagine she'd made at the weekend, which we ate with cous-cous and some vegetables. Watched "Better Things" before early bath and bed...

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