Monday 29 August 2022

Saturday 26th August 2022

Got up around 0900 after a fitful night's sleep. A large spider had taken up residence on the bedroom ceiling yesterday, and he was still there in the morning...I kept having half dreams about him crawling over the duvet cover! Got up for Aki's cooked breakfast. Decided to head for the South Bank, as today was the last day of a Tayoi Kasuma inspired installation at Tate Modern, which Aki wanted to see. Walked to Finsbury Park and got the tube to Southwark, then walked along the Thames path to Tate Modern. There was a very long queue in the Turbine Hall for the installation, so we browsed around the gift shop instead, and had a light lunch in Gail's Bakery to the rear of the Switch House. Walked back across the Millennium Bridge, and caught a bus from St Paul's. Got off on Holloway Road and did a bit of shopping in Morrisons. Aki baked trout for dinner, which we had with boiled new potatoes, and a parsley sauce. Watched "Conversation with Renzo Piano" on Netflix. It endeavoured to take in his whole career to date, and as such could only really scratch the surface. Aki wants to go see a couple of his European edifices...we've done Le Pompidou, of course!

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