Monday 29 August 2022

Monday 29th August 2022

Slow start this morning. Got up around 0900 and had porridge for breakfast. Aki had a zoom exercise class, so I put the washing out on the line in the back garden. Headed for Finsbury Park station at noon, and from thence to Euston where we caught an Overground train to Hatch End. Walked up through leafy suburban streets to No.4 Thornton Grove, Lynne's departed sister Carole's house. Lynne had organised a get together for friends and family to mark Carole's passing. The back garden soon filled up with friends of Carole's children, Max and Charlotte, and various old school chums etc. We didn't know anybody, except Max and Charlotte, of course, so stood around in the back garden for a bit with drinks in hand admiring the different trees and shrubs...the grape vine had loads of black grapes on it, but they looked too small to eat...maybe there will be a few bottles of 2022 vintage red wine next year. We sidled out after the buffet lunch, and caught a bus to Pinner for a cup of tea and a biscuit at Tokiko's Tok and Aki chatted in Japanese, whilst I watched yesterday's FedEx Cup action, which Rory won for a third time. Caught a No.183 bus to Harrow-on-the-Hill station, and the Metropolitan Line took us in to King's Cross, where we picked up a No.259 bus to Nag's Head and home. Warmed up Aki's Spanish chicken stew for dinner, and cooked some orzo and vegetables to go with it. Watched some first round action from the US Open before switching to the News and footage of catastrophic flooding in Pakistan. A third of the country is under water!!!

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