Thursday 25 August 2022

Thursday 25th August 2022

Woke to sound of heavy rain on the bedroom roof at around 0230...thunder and lightening! Got up at 0800 and made some tea, before breakfasting on a bowl of porridge. Set off for the south-west at 1000 in the car, picking up some petrol in Harringay first. It was still raining, but not particularly heavily. Traffic wasn't bad until I got to the short section of the North Circular between Acton and the Gunnersbury roundabout, which leads onto the M4. Took three quarters-of-an-hour to got half a mile! There was no sign of any blockage when I finally reached the roundabout...mental! Broke for a coffee at Heston services, and for lunch at the new Fleet service station on the M3. It was rammed...never seen a service station so busy! Fortunately the queue for fish 'n chips at Harry Ramsden's was short, so I plumped for cod bites and chips with mushy peas, and ate outside at a wooden table. Drove on to Fareham, and to Wickham, five miles to the NE. Had to do a couple of internal inspections...the second one I called at, the guy who opened the door told me he had covid! His wife shut him in the living-room with the dogs, and I donned a mask and latex gloves, and had a quick look at kitchen and bathroom specification...the tenants had done a good job of putting in their own. Got home at 1900. Aki cooked a Spanish chicken and chorizo stew, with rice. Watched a bit of telly...fascinating doc following the fortunes of several young kids at Crystal Palace football academy...the pressure they have to cope with is intense! 

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