Friday 26 August 2022

Friday 25th August 2022

Woke around 0715 so got up and made a mug of tea, then sat down at the computer to upload the photos I'd taken yesterday. Aki got up and made porridge for breakfast. I headed out on the road around 0945, taking the A1 down to Highbury Corner, then on to Spitalfields, crossing the river at Tower Bridge. Rotherhithe was my first port of call. Drove down to Surrey Quays to use the loos, and grab a coffee in the retail park, before driving on to Brixton. As I was heading back to the car, I was stopped by a woman waiting at the bus stop with her baby...she'd seen the Savills logo on my jacket..."How on earth do people manage to afford to buy property in London?", she asked...good question! I wasn't much help, needless to say! Drove home, stopping at Belle Epoche on Upper Street to pick up a mushroom and spinach quiche, and a slice of their delicious custard flan, to take home for lunch. Aki had just got back from a swim at Highbury Pool when I got home, and we ate lunch at the table. I worked the rest of the afternoon, before breaking for an early dinner at 1730, then we headed for Finsbury Park tube station, and rode in to Leicester Square. The place was mobbed! Walked up through Soho, to the Soho Theatre on Dean Street, to see Isy Suttie's stand-up show, fresh from Edinburgh. She first came to my attention in "Peep Show" on TV, but I really admired a short series on R4 about 5 years ago, called "Isy Suttie's Love Letters", wistful, wry tales of unlikely love affairs amongst the good people of Matlock, where she was brought up. The show was in the downstairs cabaret space, which we hadn't been in before...nice thrust stage, with table and chair seating...very atmospheric. "Jackpot" was a charming ramble through Isy's thoughts on child-rearing and childhood, augmented with a couple of her quirky songs, expertly sung, accompanying herself on guitar. Lovely evening's entertainment. Caught a No.29 bus back home. Sat and watched a bit of telly...extended viewing on today's grim news of energy price hikes...lord knows how people are going to survive it all!?! Ma and pa will have to shut themselves away in their bedroom for the winter, under several, indeed, shall we!

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