Sunday 21 August 2022

Sunday 21st August 2022

Woke around 0830. Yesterday's grey clouds had given way to bright sunshine. Breakfasted downstairs with ma and pa. Borrowed the Up! and drove over to Westerhope to pick up Kath, and drove to the cafe at Dunston Staithes. Managed to bag a table in the conservatory which gave us a view of the bend in the river, so we could watch the Tyne Row 2022 in comfort. The boats were starting from outside the boathouse at Newburn, and making their way to the mouth of the Tyne. By the time they got to us they were pretty strung out, so any notion of a tight race was sunk. Enjoyed the atmosphere in the cafe...very busy, with lots of families, and a few dogs...friendly staff. Drove Kath back to Peary Close afterward, then back to High View. Sat out in the back garden for a bit and read the paper. Aki picked some courgette flowers with a view to stuffing them with ricotta for our starter this evening. I used the duck in plum sauce we'd bought in Waitrose, which we had with mashed potato; coconut rice pudding to follow with fried banana and toasted desiccated coconut. Watched a bit of telly before shower and bed.

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