Wednesday 3 August 2022

Wednesday 3rd August 2022

Woke a bit late, so got up and showered, and decided to skip breakfast. Did half an hour's work, but the internet connection is lousy in the hotel. Booked a room in the city centre Premier Inn for tomorrow night. Hopefully, they'll be better connected. Drove round the corner to the Starbucks at the Village Hotel. New parking restrictions there, so had to download an app and register to park. The minimum parking time was one day, which cost me £5.20. Complained to the receptionist, who told me it's free for the first 4 hours!!! She organised a free coffee and a croissant in recompense. Inspections took me up the valley toward Merthyr, and I lunched at a KFC joint on the A465. Then it was back down the valley to Neath, Briton Ferry, and Port Talbot, before ending the day in Winch Wen, and driving back to the hotel. Nige came to pick me up at 1930...Julie had decided to stay home, as she wasn't feeling too good. Nige and I went to Gigi's Chinese, which had got a good write up from Jay Rayner in The Guardian the other day. It's all a bit of a mess on the interior design front, but the food was simple and very tasty. I walked back to the hotel, and did some work. 

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