Monday 22 August 2022

Monday 22nd August 2022

Woke around 0830. Got up and stripped the bed before heading downstairs for breakfast in the company of ma and pa. Kath showed up briefly to say farewell, on her way to see Renee. Noises from the garage alerted us to the fact that dad was trying to bring the mini fridge in single-handedly. Managed to help him haul it into position in the dining-room cabinet, and get plugged back in. Aki and I put some lunch together, finishing up most of the leftovers in the fridge, so it was an odd mix of sausage, egg-fried rice, potato cakes, and baked beans. Still, it filled a hole. Packed our belongings into the boot of dad's Passat, and he and mum chauffeured us over to Callerton Parkway, from whence we caught a Metro train to Central Station. Train turned up on time, and we got aboard. We got held up just north of Newark, as the train in front was on fire and was being attended to by the fire brigade! It made us about 40 minutes late getting in to Kings Cross. Caught the 259 bus from York Way, which drops us virtually at our front door. Dropped our baggage off at home, then proceeded back out in search of an evening meal. Bumped in to Lynne...she's still struggling a bit with the recent loss of her twin sister, and she invited us over to Pinner on Monday for a little memorial get-together...I offered to sing a couple of her sister's favourite Stones songs. Ate at Osteria Tufo in Finsbury Park...very tasty pea and mushroom lasagna, lathered in parmesan. Got home in time for the final episode of "Marriage" has received much praise for it's realism, but I found it increasingly unrealistic as it progressed...some very odd dialogue in places. Thank Gawd it's finished! Enjoyed a long-awaited soak in the bath, before bed.

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