Monday 15 August 2022

Monday 15th August 2022

Woke around 0800. I got up and made tea, and brought two mugfuls up to drink in bed. Got dressed and breakfasted downstairs, and read yesterday's Observer for a bit. Mum alerted us to a large adult hedgehog that was sitting peacefully on the patio outside the kitchen. It didn't look to be breathing, as far as I could tell. Mum insisted it just needed a drink of water, and hastened outside to garner a bowl put out for the birds...hedgehog didn't move...Margaret put the water bowl in front of the hedgehog's didn't move. Dad walked up behind didn't budge. At that point they realised it had been mortally wounded, probably by the local Renard...poor thing! Dad drove us over to Westerhope for coffee at Kath's, and we partook of Aki's homemade banana loaf in Kath's back garden.  Went back to No.12 High View for lunch. Aki and I borrowed the Up! to do a shop at Waitrose in the village; got ingredients for various meals for the rest of the week. Dad received a phone call from his GP saying they had written to his preferred surgeon regarding his hip op...fingers crossed it does the trick in speeding up the process! Aki cooked a Goan fish curry and rice for dinner this evening. Jim stuck his head in, on his way to five-a-side at the Leisure Centre. He's looking very fit...Emma has him on a strict regime, though she has pulled or torn ligaments in her left leg, and is now in a leg brace and unable to train for the up-coming London Marathon. Watched another episode of "Marriage" seems painfully slow...not sure we are going to make it through the next two episodes! 

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