Monday 29 August 2022

Sunday 28th August 2022

Aki up early to prepare herself for her cycle ride to the Rowing Club. I got up as she left, and took a walk up Highgate Hill, for coffee and croissant at Lauderdale House. Walked back down to M&S at Archway and bought some cheese and mascarpone to make tonight's dinner. They didn't have any lasagne sheets, so I ended up in Morrisons on the Holloway Road. Popped in to pick up some meths at the local DIY shop...the proprietor gave me an '! Love Nag's Head' carrier bag, which he professed to be giving away to favoured regular customers! Aki back around 1400 so I made some lunch, frying up some tinned sardine which we had with a salad. Pottered about this afternoon, not doing very much. Prepared my vegetable lasagne for dinner, but it wasn't as good as the one I'd done at High View last week. Needs half a tub of four cheese sauce in the mix to perk it up a bit. Watched "Licorice Pizza", a recent Paul Thomas Anderson movie set in 70s era starred Alana Haim, one of the three sisters who make up US indie band, Haim. She was good, but the script was a bit odd, shooting off on several tangents...some laugh out loud funny, it has to be said, most notably the slick owner of local Japanese restaurant 'Mikado' who gets through two Japanese wives over the course of the film, and talks to them in English with a heavy cod-Japanese accent...when the wife retorts in Japanese, he confesses that he had no idea what she said, as he didn't speak Japanese!!!

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