Monday 8 August 2022

Monday 8th August 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Hauled myself out of bed. Managed half-an-hour at the computer before driving the car round to Holocene on Camden Road for an MOT. Left it with them, and walked briskly down to Central Library to pick up a copy of "Improbable Fiction" to take to the audition tonight. Got there 15 minutes prior to opening, so grabbed a coffee at Vagabond across the road. One of the librarians hunted down the play for me, and we had a little chat about the Tower Theatre. I walked back northward, but found I couldn't walk underneath the railway bridge adjoining the Emirates Stadium as the road was taped off and under water...seems there's a burst water main in Tollington Road outside the Sobell sports centre, and all the side roads are flooded too. It was coming out of the burst water main like a geyser! Loads of firemen and Thames Water types hanging about wondering what on earth to do! I asked them if this was the newly re-opened Highbury Pool! Picked up the car, and drove home. Worked at the computer until breaking for lunch, then got back on the treadmill. Aki cooked up a mushroom risotto for dinner. I drove off to Stoke Newington for the "Improbable Fiction" audition. It was a bit chaotic...which had me wondering about the director's skills. There were eight of us auditioning, mainly for different roles, but some it was a tortuous hour-and-a-half of having to listen to different people reading the same parts. Not much talent on or two passable performers present. My bits went very well...see what happens. Got home around 2130, having forgotten that Tollington Road was still closed. 

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