Thursday 18 August 2022

Wednesday 17th August 2022

Woke around 0830...exhausted after yesterday's efforts. Dragged myself out of bed and breakfasted with ma and pa downstairs. Kath arrived around 1100, and she and Aki put together a simple sandwich picnic, and we piled into Kath's car for the drive to Derwent Water. Nice day for it...the sun was shining, though the air was a bit chilly. Got to the visitor car park...Dad limped over to the picnic tables, while we took a short hike to the water's edge....which had receded somewhat in the drought conditions. 

The reservoir looked about half full, if that. Had our picnic lunch and then drove on to Blanchland, a picturesque Victorian village all of sandstone...we had a brief walk around, Dad making it with the aid of his walking stick. Drove home for tea in the back garden. We were briefly interrupted by the next door neighbour, David Tanner, who lost his wife to cancer about three weeks ago. He had come to invite ma and pa to her memorial service at the end of the month. I repaired to the kitchen to prepare a spinach and courgette lasagna for dinner...the idea was to avoid the traditional tomato sauce based recipe, as it is considered a cause of irritation to the oesophageal lining, which mum seems to suffer from occassionally...though apparently half-a-teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda neutralises the acid content...however, there was a lot of creamy cheese in the recipe which probably causes as much trouble! Rollo cheesecake and ice cream to follow. Nowt much on telly...gave "Shetland" a go. After everyone had gone to bed I watched episode 1 of "The Sandman" on Netflix, but wasn't hooked...a sort of adult "Harry Potter" with swearing meets "Game of Thrones". As I mounted the top of the stairs on my way to bed I was confronted by a large spider sat on the top step...I had to phone Aki, who was in bed...she managed to find a T-square, hoping to encourage it to flee into the master bedroom, but I found a tupperware box in the kitchen and trapped it under that, leaving it there for the night....hope Dad doesn't trip over it and fall down the stairs tomorrow morning!

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