Tuesday 14 September 2021

Tuesday 14th September 2021

Awoken around 0700 by the rain hammering on the bedroom roof. Discovered I'd taken my CPAP mask off, and switched off the machine, at some point during the night. Had no recollection of doing so! Got up and made tea. Aki FaceTimed me briefly to say she had been picked up by her brother-in-law, and was now imprisoned in the block of flats in Chiba. She's allowed out for half-an-hour a day to buy essentials. Said she'd call me back once she'd sorted out a wi-fi connection. Spent the morning at the computer screen. Received a s5 Notice from the freeholder, which valued the premium at £40,000...we are miles apart! Hopefully, we can serve a s13 Notice post haste and get the negotiations rolling, but Lynne's sister Carol still hasn't managed to send the requisite papers concerning the upper maisonette, and they are on holiday at the moment, sunning themselves in Seville!!! Cooked a chicken amatriciana for dinner with roast celeriac, potato and squash. Looked a bit burnt compared to the photo on the BBC GoodFood website! Tasted alright though. Read some Mantel, and watched an episode of Mare of Easttown before bath and bed.

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