Monday 6 September 2021

Monday 6th August 2021

Rather disturbed night's sleep...a lot of vivid dreaming, but can't recall any of it, except that some scenes starred Ade Edmondson! Got up and had a bowl of porridge. Watched Alcazar's final set, which earned him a win to make him the youngest US Open quarter-finalist in the open era. The Japanese Embassy phoned to say Aki's visa had been finalised. She went off to the Embassy after lunch, and from thence to Heathrow to take another PCR test, prior to flying out on Wednesday afternoon. I went to Waitrose in the car. Got back surprised to find Aki sitting on the sofa...they wouldn't give her her passport back until they had documentation which is still in the post from Japan...should arrive tomorrow. So the waiting game goes on! Cooked a rice pudding with double cream and orange blossom water. Baked hake for dinner, with carrot puree and sauteed celeriac. Watched in astonishment as Emma Raducanu swept Shelby Rogers aside 6-2 6-1 to reach the US Open quarter-finals! It was a very tense watch, despite the scoreline. 

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