Monday 27 September 2021

Monday 27th September 2021

Woke at 0730. My hernia, and my lower back, been giving me a bit of gyp these last few days. Not terribly comfortable lying in bed, so got up and made tea. Raining first thing this morning. Aki called as I was getting breakfasted. She'd managed to get out and take a walk in the park up the's a big park, with man made lakes and areas of forestation. Must have seemed like a blessed relief after being holed up in the flat for two weeks. Did a bit of work at the computer this morning. Didn't get much done before lunch, though I did manage to watch a bit of Homes Under the Hammer with Dion Dublin...for research purposes, you understand. Got a bit more done this afternoon, though. Matthew called to give me the all-clear on the Hertfordshire inspections, so I can start them tomorrow. Got a message from the drummer at No.34 asking if he could phone me...I said, of course, but heard nothing back today. Slow going...hope he's a bit faster with his sticks!! Pan fried a sirloin steak for dinner. Made a red wine and onion sauce to go with wasn't very good...the fact that I forgot to add the butter at the end may have had something to do with it. Watched Mare of Easttown...only two episodes to go! What am I going to do then? Poured some Drain Buster down the bathroom sink before can work over-night!

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