Tuesday 28 September 2021

Tuesday 28th September 2021

Woke at 0700. Got up and gave the bathroom sink a good rinsing....ran the hot tap for a bit. Buster seems to have done the trick. Read some Rachel Cooke in bed before rising to make tea...and hummus. She has a very efficient writing style, and manages to convey some nicely wry ideas in very short order. She has a certain talent, that's for sure. Aki called. She had been to see mum this morning. They had insisted she be brought down in her wheelchair to meet Aki in the foyer, but soon complained that she wanted to lie down. Aki managed to get her back upstairs. She's now investigating the possibility of taking her out of the care home while she's in Tokyo, but that would need the agreement of Nobby, as it's his flat. See what happens. Decided not to hit the road today, as heavy rain is forecast for this afternoon. Worked at the computer this morning. Broke for lunch. Popped out to take a pair of troosers to be altered by the guy on Tollington Way...hoped he'd repaired Aki's coat, but he confessed he hadn't yet. No rush! Did a bit more at the computer this afternoon, then read some Mantel and did some physio exercises. Made some more ricotta gnocchi for dinner, and used up the homemade tomato sauce. Watched the penultimate episode of Mare of Easttown...

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