Monday 20 September 2021

Monday 20th September 2021

Woke at 0730. Got up to make tea, then did some work at the computer. FaceTimed Aki. She's now worrying that the Care Home won't let her visit her mum, as she is no longer deemed to be on the critical list...would be maddening to go all that way for nothing!!! Broke for lunch, and did some physio exercises, then back to work until1715. Watched a bit of telly, and cooked a tomato curry...used some mild curry powder we've had in the cupboard for ages. The result was so revolting, I had to chuck it! Belatedly noticed that the curry powder I'd used had a best before date of November 2018, which may account for the poor taste! Made a green curry instead with prawns and peas. Watched telly and played some guitar, before delving once more into my Mantel. 

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