Sunday 19 September 2021

Saturday 18th September 2021


Fitful night’s sleep…my hernia giving me a bit of gip. We walked the dogs on the West Hill before returning for breakfast. Tony left for London at 1000 leaving me in charge! Ventured into the back garden…bumped into Liz the next door neighbour…we had a wee chat over the garden fence, though it was quite hard work as she hadn’t got her hearing aid in!!! I left the dogs in their baskets, and walked across the West Hill and down the many steps into the old town. Hatz & Thingz are located at the bottom so I went in…and came out with two new hats! Walked along the seafront…not a cloud in the sky. Had a coffee at the Beach Hut Cafe then strolled along the pebble beach. 

The town was beginning to fill up with people attracted by the unsuspected Indian summer. Bought a fresh fried fish roll on the Prom, and got the funicular back to the top of West Hill. Ate my lunch out front of Tony’s house in the sunshine. FaceTimed Aki…she had had a good chat with her mum and had sent Nobby over with some nosh for her supper. I took the dogs out for their afternoon walk. Took a ball with me…they went mad for it. I was more exhausted than they were by the time we got back. They flaked out on their beds and I flaked out on the sofa with Hilary Mantel. Walked the dogs down to the First In Last Out pub to meet Tony at 1845. He bought me dinner in reparation for having to chase after two dogs this afternoon, with a pooper scooper! Had fresh plaice fillet in a light tempura batter...the fish was absolutely delicious! Struggled back up the hill in the wake of Tony and the hounds. Watched a bit of MOTD before retiring for an early night!

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