Monday 13 September 2021

Sunday 12th September 2021

Woke around 0730. Something seems to have kicked off my allergies, as my hands are red and slightly swollen, as are my eyelids. It was Pears soap last time...dunno what has caused this outbreak. Only thing I can think of is the n'duja I had for dinner. Aki got a bit of a shock when she FaceTimed me! She had FaceTimed her mum, but Toshiko had proved rather uncommunicative. Pottered about after lunch, doing some filing, and vacuumed, which set of my sinuses, despite my wearing a mask! Made some tagliatelle to go with a sauce for dinner, then watched Medvedev conquer Novak to win the US Open. Aki FaceTimed me halfway through the third set, so I plonked my phone in front of the TV screen so she could watch the action.

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