Friday 24 September 2021

Friday 24th September 2021

Woke around 0700. Got up and did some work at the computer, mug of tea in hand. Aki had sent a link to a post Ivors award interview with Barney that she'd found on YouTube. He really needs a stylist to come on board now!!! I'll have to get on the case. Aki having trouble with wi-fi signal in Tokyo, but managed to make contact via WhatsApp. One more day of quarantine to go, then she gets to do a PCR test...fingers crossed. The sun was shining outside, so decided to take a walk up Highgate Hill. Bought lunch from the Pantry at the top, and ate it overlooking the tennis courts in Waterlow Park. Walked back down the hill, stopping off at M&S to do some shopping on the way home. Didn't get much work down this afternoon...listened to some Black Uhuru, and caught up with some filing. Roasted a couple of Romano peppers, then marinated them in olive oil, vinegar, garlic, and coriander. Cooked up my homemade tomato sauce with some pasta for dinner, along with a side salad that included some of the roast pepper. Rented The Killing of Two Lovers from Curzon Home Cinema...a tense, claustrophobic piece trailing the break of a family set in big country. The claustrophobia was heightened by the director's choice to shoot in 4:3 ratio; nicely pitched performance from Clayne Crawford as the confused husband and dad.

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