Tuesday 21 September 2021

Tuesday 21st September 2021


Rose at 0730 gasping for a mug of tea. Decided I'd go for an early morning walk...supposed to be good for you...minus any dogs, of course! Set off after my tea, and walked up to Archway, where I dropped in at M&S to buy some odds and ends for my depleted fridge. Marched back down the hill to Big Jo's for coffee, then home. Back in the hot seat...at the computer interface!!! Aki FaceTimed around noon. She's still got four days to go before she can take the PCR test. Managed to have a wee chat with her mum today. Did my physio exercises, then made lunch. A bit more work this afternoon. Made a tomato pasta sauce using a kilo of homegrown tomatoes...put some in the freezer. Popped out to Tesco's to get some ingredients for the pudding I'm going to make for tomorrow night's dinner date at No.38. Made an Italian budino di cioccolato...enjoyed licking the bowl out afterward. Jim texted to say Barney and Obongjayer won an Ivor Novello award this evening for Best Song Musically & Lyrically for "God's Own Children"...!!! Wow!!! Looks as though Barney had clubbed the other bloke to death with his statuette in order to grab the limelight!!! Can't blame him! Jim and Kath can't believe it...very proud moment for all concerned!!! The Guardian mention them both in their report...just, wow!!! FaceTimed them a bit later, once I'd got over the shock...they had had a very strange day that started with a funeral for a friend in the morning, followed by the news from The Ivors! They are naturally very excited...this is a great calling card for Barney and should see his fledgling career take off like a rocket!!! Watched another episode of Mare of Easttown...getting complicated. Bath and bed.

1 comment:

aki said...

Yeiii!!!! Fantastic Berney!!