Sunday 19 September 2021

Sunday 19th September 2021


Slept like a log…woke around 0845. Got up and made a mug of tea. Tony appeared shortly afterward with hounds in tow. Had our tea out in the back garden with the dogs. Tony disappeared to do his yoga, so I did some of my prescribed physio exercises downstairs, then read some Mantel…just reached the autumn of 1536 and the peasants in Lincolnshire are revolting! Mum and Dad FaceTimed and we had a quick catch up. I walked down the hill to a cafe on George Street to meet up with Neil Salvage…we had last shared a stage in Hobson's Choice in Stoke in 1992. 

He looked well, though he has been suffering these last few months, learning to walk again after rupturing not one, but two, Achilles’ tendons!!! His missus joined us and we had a catch up and reminisced about our time in Stoke. He has set up his own theatre company in Hastings which largely produces his own writings. Left them at their car on the Prom and headed back up West Hill. Bumped into Tony and Ricky walking the dogs. Aki FaceTimed so she got a chance to say a quick hello to Ricky. Settled down to watch West Ham v Man Utd…Tony is a Hammer, while Ricky is a Red Devil. Good game. Tony served up roast chicken with all the trimmings followed by chocolate brownie and cream. Said my farewells and walked down the hill to the station to catch the 1731 to Charing Cross…walked off a bit of brownie, I hope! It was raining by the time I got off the train...summer's over! Got home at 2000. Unpacked, pottered about a bit, and watched another episode of Mare of Easttown before bath and bed.

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