Thursday 23 September 2021

Thursday 23rd September 2021

Woke at 0745 feeling weary after a long day in the saddle yesterday. Aki FaceTimed me as she had Naoya with her, so I was able to give him a wave. Did some work at the computer before heading for the car. Called on Margaret next door to hand over a portion of the budino, then drove to Hackney. Stopped off at the trendy Allpress cafe in Dalston to grab a coffee. Later, popped in to Tesco on Morning Lane to get some lunch items, before lunching in the car in Homerton. Took in Stepney, Leyton and Leytonstone, before heading further eastward to Ilford, Chadwell Heath, and ended the working day in Barking. Got home at 1930 and warmed up the prawn curry and dahl for dinner, followed by a portion of budino. Did a bit of research on suitable songs for the Tower's Black History Month gig, so listened to a bit of Robert Johnson.

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