Monday 13 September 2021

Monday 13th September 2021

Woke around 0730. Eyes and hands better, but eyelids still swollen. Made a cup of tea which I had in bed listening to R4. Aki FaceTimed me, wanting my Apple ID and password. Made myself a packed lunch and set off at 1000 for a bunch of inspections. Popped into Tesco in Finchley to get some lunch items, and ate my lunch parked up in a street in North Finchley somewhere. FaceTied Aki who had just had her dinner and was preparing for bed. Ploughed on to Watford via Edgware, stopping for petrol at the ASDA in North Watford, then on to Hemel Hempstead, and finally round the M25 to North Enfield. Got home around 2000. Too late to cook much, so made a cheese and mushroom omelette with salad for dinner. Read some Mantel before hopping in the bath. FaceTimed Aki when I got out. She was awaiting her breakfast. She's out of the hotel this afternoon. Noboru is picking her up from the airport and driving her to Chiba.

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