Sunday 5 September 2021

Sunday 5th September 2021


Slow start, but eventually rose and cooked Turkish eggs for breakfast. Sun started to shine, so we decided to cycle down to Springfield Park and glimpse some of the rowing regatta on the Lea. Very busy down there by the waterside. Sat and watched some boats go by, but I've never found it much of a spectator sport. We adjourned to the cafe to have a spot of lunch, before cycling back home via the organic grocer at Stroud Green. Made a butter bean in chilli oil dish, and an aubergine and spinach potato pie, for dinner. FaceTimed ma and pa, who showed off their cucumbers and runner beans...Aki showed off her yellow tomatoes. It was like Gardener's Question Time....minus the questions! Dad has arranged to meet Jim on Wednesday to try and hammer out a way forward and get him to meet his GP. Watched Dan Evans get steamrollered out of the US open by Medvedev, then the astonishing Canadian teenager Fernandez, who put out Osaka the other night. Tonight she demolished the No.5 seed, Angelique Kerber. It was breathtaking telly!!!

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