Sunday 19 September 2021

Friday 17th September 2021

Woke around 0745 and got up to make tea...Aki called just as the kettle was boiling. Noboru is cooking her a curry tonight! Be afraid, be very afraid!!! Spent the morning at the monitor screen before downing some lunch, then cycling over to Stoke Newington to meet one of the Joint Artistic Directors at The Tower, with a view to me directing some stuff at some point. She was very nice...has done a directing course at Central, and seems very poised. She wants to get me involved with a cabaret show they are planning for Black History Month, and wants to call on my guitar skills! Up for that! Cycled home and then back out again to see the physiotherapist on Hornsey Lane. 

I caught the 1724 from London Bridge...busy with commuters heading home. Most people wearing masks though. By the time we got to Tunbridge Wells, I pretty much had the carriage to myself. Read some Mantel…bit of a struggle as I’d forgotten my reading glasses. Tony picked me up from Hastings station. He had two dogs in the car…Macy, the black lab who I have met before, and the new acquisition, Piper. We took them for a walk on the West Hill, then back for dinner. Tony had cooked one of his tasty fish pies, and made chocolate brownies for afters. Dogs very well behaved. Macy the black lab particularly; Piper is younger and prone to having a bark or two, but soon got used to me. Watched a bit of telly…Tony sharing what he could of the sofa with two hounds! Bed around midnight.

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