Thursday 16 September 2021

Thursday 16th September 2021


Woke around 0700 and hauled myself out of bed to make tea. Aki FaceTimed me and I sent her a photo of one of the strange dead creatures that litter the living-room floor. She said she'd do a bit of Google research. Managed to hit the road by 0930, taking the M11 then the M25 to Brentwood. Nice day for it...sauntered around a large estate in the sunshine taking photos. Stopped for a coffee in Brentwood High Street, and popped into M&S to buy some food stuffs to augment my lunch. Ate my lunch in the car on Galleywood Common. FaceTimed Aki from the car. She's made contact with her niece and nephew, and is arranging to meet up at some point. Drove on to Great Baddow, then on to east Colchester, before turning eastward. Picked up some stock in Dagenham, Barking, and Redbridge on my circuitous route home. Got in around 2000 and made an anchovy and mushroom sauce, which I had on my de-frosted tagliatelle. Watched Alan Yentob's interview with Tom Stoppard. Hadn't realised he was born in Czechia...I got a bit tearful when he said that when his mother died his step father asked him to stop using his surname. Aki FaceTimed...she was making her breakfast tea.

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