Sunday 26 September 2021

Saturday 25th September 2021

Woke around 0745. Got up and made a big mug of tea. Did a bit of work at the computer, as I hadn't gotten much done yesterday. Aki called...on her final day of quarantine...has sent off her sample for PCR test, so she should be out of gaol tomorrow!!! Bit grey outside today...looks as though yesterday was the last day of summer. Aki called again, and watched me make my lunch. Cycled down to Kings Cross in the afternoon. Got hit on the right hand by a large dollop of bird poo as I cycled beneath a leafy tree...luckily I was wearing my cycling gloves! It was enormous...I wouldn't have been surprised to look up to see a dog perched on an upper tree branch. Parked up in Granary Square and headed straight for the public toilets in Coal Drops Yard to clean up. Had a wander about for a bit, before doing some shopping in Waitrose. The indoor market was in full swing...a lot of people about. It started raining a little as I cycled home. Made Korean vegetable pancakes to go with my Vietnamese pork belly. Watched Mare of Easttown, and another episode of Master of None. Switched over to R5Live to listen to commentary on AJ's fight at White Hart Lane...decided to get into bed to listen...woke up at the end of the fight to discover that AJ had lost his World titles!

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