Wednesday 15 September 2021

Wednesday 15th September 2021

Woke at around 0800. Eyes still a bit swollen. The swelling is slowly working it's way down my face as gravity takes effect. Breakfasted and made a packed lunch. Got away around 1000 and hit the road again, this time heading up the A10 toward Enfield, and from thence on to Welwyn. Popped into Tesco on Southbury Road to pick up a coffee. Aki FaceTimed me briefly. She had made dinner for Noboru...he had requested nothing too chewy, as his false teeth are playing up! Poor chap...they did look dreadful last time I clapped eyes on them in Tokyo, it has to be said!!! Stopped off at another Tesco, in Ware, then lunched in my car on a Council Estate in Hunsdon. Ended the day in Harlow before driving home. Got in around 1830 and warmed up last week's vegetable cottage pie for dinner. Read some Mantel before bath and bed.

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