Sunday 26 September 2021

Sunday 26th September 2021

Woke around 0800. Cooked some breakfast and WhatsApped Aki. She had received a negative covid test result, so had hastened to see her mum in the care home this afternoon. Sounds like they had a tearful reunion. Her mum looked smaller and thinner than Aki recalled, and seems to be tired all the time, but she's hanging in there. Had a wee chat with Lynne...they had very much enjoyed their visit to Seville, and highly recommended it. They had managed a day trip by train to Cadiz, too. Watched MOTD on the computer before lunch. Didn't fancy venturing out today, as Arsenal are due to host Tottenham in the early evening kick off. Best to leave 'em to it! Aki sent me a text saying she'd received a message from Kath...Jim is self-isolating having contracted covid. Gave him a bell. He sounded fine...minor symptoms, which had lead him to assume it was a cold, initially. But he tested positive. Karen and Luke tested negative. So Jim has been locked in an upstairs bedroom for a week! Popped out to Tesco...obviously half-time, as Gooners were coming out of the pub opposite with big smiles on their faces. Arsenal 3-0 up! It finished 3-1. Made ricotta gnocchi for dinner...ricotta, flour, and parmesan to make a dough...very soft to work with, but easy to make. Served on a bed of roasted peppers, onions, and cherry tomatoes and a side salad. Watched a remarkable film on BBC2 called "The Last Mountain", charting the deaths of climbers Alison Hargreaves in 1995, and 25 years later, of her son Tom Ballard, on mountains in the Himalaya. Stunningly shot, and very moving...extraordinary family of complete nutters!!!

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