Sunday 4 July 2021

Sunday 4th July 2021

Slept well again. Aki up first, contemplating a trip to the Rowing Club, but the risk of a rainstorm put her off. Drove to Waitrose to do the shop. Aki made lunch when we got back. Sat about reading the Sunday paper...Johnathan Liew made me laugh with his report on the England v Ukraine game last night. Decided to cut a hole in the plasterboard above a damp patch that appeared a few months ago, but seems to be slowly expanding. Had assumed it was to do with the shower tray area, and haven't had a shower since, so a bit perplexed as to why we are still getting a damp meter reading. Got in there but couldn't discern any remain as perplexed as we were before I put a hole in the wall! Cooked up some pearl barley to have with the lamb shawarma we'd bought in Waitrose. I jazzed it up with fried carrot, pepper, barberries, tomatoes and we had a side salad. Watched the new Roy Andersson movie, "About Endlessness". It was only 78 minutes long, but seemed endless!!!

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