Wednesday 7 July 2021

Tuesday 6th July 2021

Rained most of the night. Got up about 0830 and did some work for a couple of hours. Early brunch at 1115. Got some unsolicited ecards to mark our planned Civil Partnership, including a nice Christmas card from Ma, Pa and Kath. Flowers arrived from Yuki and Steve, and from Jim and Kath from their holiday home in Padstow. The Newcastle contingent got togged up for a quick zoom call after lunch. Ordered a cab for 1400 and got to the Town Hall about 1425, having had to sit in several traffic jams along the way. Met up with Tokiko in front of the Town Hall, and Helen and Martin got off the No.43 bus and joined us. Got inside before the next rainstorm, and were ushered into a waiting room on the first floor before the Registrar, Veronica, called Aki and me into Room 99, where our details were checked prior to the certificate being drawn up. Our witnesses then joined us and we went through a very brief 'ceremony', and I put a ring we'd bought at Gill Wing on Upper Street on Aki's finger, reciting the following stanzas I'd come up with the day before:

We bought this silver ring 
From the jeweller at Gill Wing 
They have a little shop across the way 
It's made of sterling stuff 
Which we trust will be enough 
To see eachother through 'til close of play

And that was that, really...all done. Had to sign the Register, and Martin set up a couple of photo opportunities, before we moved out onto the marble staircase for some more photos. Ordered a cab, which drove us to Granary Square, where we'd booked a table for five at The Lighterman. The weather was too changeable to risk sitting outside, as originally planned, and Aki managed to negotiate a table inside, but upstairs, which is a bit quieter than the very noisy ground floor. There were a few Italians about in their blue football shirts. Ordered a bottle of prosecco and five glasses, and a couple of artisan sharing boards by way of a starter. Waited a long time for our mains; my fish and chips were a bit lukewarm at best. Parted company with our guests, and headed for the No.91 bus stop on York Way, and home in time to watch Italy v Spain live from Wembley with a glass of beer in hand...

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