Monday 12 July 2021

Monday 12th July 2021

Aki up early to connect up with her mum in Tokyo. I did a bit of reading in bed...getting toward the end of Paul Auster's "Man in the Dark"'s a bit of a mixed bag, and don't think I'd jump at the chance of reading any of his other work. Decided to work at home today, as rain forecast for the south. Aki popped out this afternoon to do some shopping in Waitrose, and got back just before the heavens opened. News is full of the racial abuse that has been directed at the England players who missed the penalties last night...makes you want to leave the country, frankly. This nation has been an embarrassment ever since voting to leave the EU. Wish I spoke a foreign language well enough to get me a job elsewhere...maybe Scotland's the answer, though the weather isn't much of a pull. Aki cooked mapo for dinner, then we sat on the sofa wondering what to watch now that the tennis and football is over. Reverted back to Netflix after a long sporting break...

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